Emergency Diesel Generators by USP&E

 Just not too long ago we witnessed the precedented devastation caused by Hurricane Sandy. In many areas of the east Coast and Mid-Atlantic regions. Reports and requests poured in from the region’s disaster management on the dire need for additional emergency diesel generators.

Why emergency diesel generators?

Emergency diesel generators are responsible for maintaining critical services when a disaster strikes, providing essential emergency power for 911 centres, hospitals, nursing homes, data centres, and area businesses. Emergency response teams depend on diesel power generation to maintain communication and service urgent public needs.

USP&E also performs site utility services to determine electrical distribution, and check duct banks, and manholes. Trenching for overhead and underground electrical distribution construction. Our full-service teams provide all engineering, mechanical, electrical, and project management expertise on our diesel generators.


USP&E designs build and operate fuel-efficient and renewable power stations worldwide, focusing on emerging markets. In 2012, owner, Will Gruver was selected by Ernst & Young as an Entrepreneur of the year, he received the Dallas Business Journal’s “40 Under 40” Award for his dynamic leadership and commitment to the North Texas business community; was recognized by INC Magazine as a top 500 U.S. growth company; and received the Dallas 100 Award for placing 7th out of the 100 fastest growing privately held companies in the Dallas area.

Proven to be the most reliable, durable and economical emergency power source. Diesel generators are a viable answer in protecting against power outages. For more information about how we can assist you with your secondary source of energy, please visit our Website at www.uspeglobal.com

USP&E: Powering Business. Empowering People.

Emergency diesel generators