HFO Generators Operation & Maintenance

USP&E Africa is a leading provider of O&M services in the power generation industry with a scope and depth of experience in providing O&M services of incredible standards and philosophy. These govern each of our O&M projects including the HFO generators. . .


At USP&E we understand that the millions of dollars that power plant owners initially invest in their equipment is often only a fraction of their total cost of ownership over the project life cycle.

It is highly recommended that a dedicated and experienced O&M specialist manage the service and maintenance of the power station assets with a view of ensuring energy efficiency and asset life extension targets are maintained while keeping reliability above 99% with good constant fuel efficiency and as a company, we offer just that.

HFO Generator


USP&E provides expertise where it makes the most sense so our customers can achieve greater equipment availability and reliability and overall outcome. We do this by following a quality assurance program that encompasses quality control processes that will pay for itself. These processes follow global standards that measure true quality, such as ISO 9000-2008. We established these processes to ensure that the equipment is maintained according to manufacturer requirements.


Our Environmental Health and Safety Plan details the specific job responsibilities of each employee, as well as documenting the safety, health, and environmental responsibilities.

USP&E maintains a professional documentation department that keeps up-to-date manuals on important tasks and topics for maintaining equipment and providing standards for operations.

Our documentation library includes practices and procedures on topics such as:

  • Engine Calibration for Optimal Efficiency
  • Calibration of resistance temperature devices
  • Maintenance and cleaning of key electrical and mechanical components
  • Predictive maintenance and advanced diagnostics

We have extensive training programs that provide great practice for a systematic approach to on-the-job training programs.

If you are interested to find out more or see some of the assets available; be sure to contact us by emailing info@uspowerco.com or view the following incredible assets available right now and many more on our site:

  • 32MW new HFO plant with BOP
  • 20MW new Wartsila 2032TS HFO plant with BOP
  • 38MW new MWM natural gas plant

With your next project let us help you with:

  • New Assets
  • Used assets
  • O&M 
  • IPP
  • Design and Engineering
  • EPC

We look forward to hearing from you soon!