Standby Diesel Generators: A Critical “Must” For All Businesses.

Every day the sales team at Dallas-based USP&E handles several calls with customer requests for standby diesel generators in the US and abroad.  Our sales experts handle calls from companies and individuals that are looking for the right machine for their specific applications.

What is Stand-by application?

Usually, the calls from the US are regarding backup power (standby diesel generators) that turns from power outages.  We refer to this as a standby application and whether it is connected to a hospital, data centre, government building, or municipal provider. Such as pumps for water utility, restoring power immediately when there is an outage is crucial and could save thousands and even millions in wasted inventory or loss of service.  In the case of a hospital, even lives. The backup generator could be the most important piece of equipment that your company or service purchases this year.  With this in mind, here are some considerations that should be made.

Considerations that should be made.

With certain industries or locations, a power failure must be met with an instantaneous transfer from the utility to the standby diesel generator that is ready to go at the time you need it. An Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) is a distinct device that monitors the power flow coming from the utility.  At the point that there is an interruption in power the switch turns the generator on and redirects power pulled from the grid to power pulled from the generator.   There are two main types of ATSs that perform this function: “open” and “closed.”  If the transfer of power has to happen instantaneously, a closed transition switch must be utilized. The closed ATS, which is known as a “make before break” transfer switch can transfer power in milliseconds.

Typically, in an emergency situation, there is an inherent transitory interruption of power to the load when the transfer occurs.  A closed ATS is absolutely necessary for instances when the power transference is critical and there is no interruption.  A hospital, for instance, unequivocally must install a closed ATS to even be in compliance with the regulatory code.

Why stand-by diesel generators?

Often companies and organizations looking to fulfil a standby power need would consider a used diesel generator to be the best option when purchasing this vital equipment.  However, the price trade-off can be less significant than perceived.  Often a new diesel generator can be quite competitive with a used one with only a 20% premium. The break-in price for a used diesel generator might not be commensurate when comparing the advantages of the new unit, complete with a warranty, higher EPA rating, and newer technology.  Speaking with a sales technician will give important information while comparing these factors.  At USP&E we are ready to help you with your questions so that you are informed to make the best decision regarding your standby power needs.

Where to find standby diesel generators?

USP&E delivers Power Station Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Operations and Maintenance, and Emergency Service for Mission Critical Applications Worldwide. For more information, please see our website at!

USP&E: Powering Business. Empowering People.

Standby by diesel generators
Diesel generator sold by USP&E